Thursday, September 29, 2016

Go Fly A Kite

Building relationships between our children is so important us.  They can either be life long friends or lifelong enemies.  Positivety should always be encouraged with them.  Plus it is a sanity saver for us parents.  I like to look at misbehavior as a learning opportunity.  The older kids were at each other all day and I had, had enough! So instead of listening to who had to do what I took the opportunity to teach them about working together.  Mae had a kite that just would not fly. So I told them they had to work together to build a kite the would fly out of things we had at home.  It had to fly even though we didn't have any wind :) They totally loved that idea and were scrounging around the house for things to use.  They tried many different shapes and had to work out how to string it so it wouldn't crash.  This kept them very busy and while they didn't start out agreeing on everything, they worked out a plan and had a lot of fun together.  As you can hear in the video Jean was soooo excited when the kite flying so it was great for the teens, but it also was exciting for the little one.

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